We begin a great attraction by suddenly noticing the Beauty and Mystery in everyday reality.
In awe, we want to follow this infinite desire of our heart that draws us to ponder the meaning of life. Yet if we accept this invitation, we soon recognize our precarious position: a creature with infinite desires, buffeted by circumstances, standing before (maybe!) a seemingly unknowable, unapproachable Creator. How to bridge that seemingly unbridgeable gulf between us?
Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, has presented himself as “the Way” (Jn 14:6).
To walk deeper into his Mystery, you have to notice the One who is attracting you through glimpses of his presence and glory. St. John of the Cross calls this the “purification” or “purgative” stage, the stage where you are invited to winnow away all other distractions and pay attention to this mysterious Someone who is beckoning you through everyday events. Here are the steps through this first stage: