In God’s gift of faith...we realize that a great love has been offered us, a good word has been spoken to us, and that when we welcome that word, Jesus Christ the Word made flesh, the Holy Spirit transforms us, lights up our way to the future and enables us joyfully to advance along that way on wings of hope.
- Pope Francis, Lumen Fidei, 7
What do the desires and concerns of your heart have to do with a Man who died over 2,000 years ago?
Do you experience him as an intriguing historical figure...a model of good behavior...someone you may meet in eternity...or as a living Person, "a great love offered to us" here and now?
At Lumen Catechetical Consultants, we have seen and experienced-in wonder-that "Christ is the light of [our] humanity" (Lumen Gentium, 1).
Could that be true for you, too?
Come and see!